Lastly, roughly sketch the engines on your airplane, around the rounded shapes on the front wings. Add a long skinny teardrop shape to the bottom center shape to make the top back wing. Then, close to the center on both front wings, draw a narrow rounded shape. Looking at our image below as a reference, starting at the top, add an upside-down “V” shape with lines through it to create the front windows. Let’s continue with our sketching medium and add a couple of details to finish off our airplane sketch. Then, add the two smaller back wings at the bottom of your center shape.
Sketch two big wings angled down from the center of your center shape. On the left and right sides of the center, add the wings as we did below. Do this by drawing a rounded point triangle at top and a pointier triangle at the bottom. Then, give it shape on the top and bottom. To create the center of your airplane, roughly sketch a long vertical rectangle.
For this step, we are going to create the main shape of our airplane, which consists of the center and wings.